Course Overview

What You'll Learn

I find many people want to invest, but are not ready. They don’t have a clue what happens to their money between paychecks. Some people don’t even understand their own paycheck. Most people want to build wealth, but fail to see on a day-to-day basis how it's wasted.  Investing should begin once you’ve eliminated this basic waste. You shouldn’t invest money you can’t afford to lose, so knowing what you can afford is critical

We’ll explore tools and strategies that could allow you to work less, live better now, and in the future. Plus, how long it would take to reach one million dollars in wealth, depending on how you save and invest.    

We'll talk about the research and data that shows why nurses are struggling. How to address financial literacy to improve patient care and the profession. I’ll cover behavioral economics too. People are prone to behaviors that don’t optimize their finances just like patient's lifestyle and health outcomes. 

I’ll cover basic economics and personal finance principles every nurse should know. Why? Because the basics and simplicity are VERY important and effective when it comes to good financial outcomes. The most advanced, complex surgery in the world won’t improve a patient’s final outcome if the basic nursing care is lacking. Next, we’ll talk about basic math and equations you can use to compare and assess your finances. With a crash course in cash flow statements and budgeting.  

Your Own Plan:

We’ll go over the nursing process and I'll walk you through the vital aspects of a financial care plan using my personal template. It will include assessing and analyzing your finances while creating holistic long and short term goals with interventions to help you reach them. Next, I’ll discuss more in depth strategies, tools, and concepts to help you better individualize and optimize your plan. Last, we'll discuss who can help you and how to seek expert guidance effectively.  

I’ll finish the course with two realistic case studies to help put it all together. The content builds on itself and the objectives are locked in order. Not all subjects may apply to all. Overall, 90% of the content needs to be completed to advance. You must complete the self-evaluation form to be awarded 15 Contact Hours/NCPD and get your Certificate of Completion. 

I’m so confident you’ll enjoy the course, you can get a full refund in the first 14 days after purchase. Not all objectives will be available during the refund period, but full access is granted on day 15. There are no refunds after the contact hours and Certificate have been awarded. 

Most of the course will be short videos of 5-15 minutes, reading sections, and other learning activities. 

You should work with your employer for reimbursement for the cost of the course and paid elective hours.  That said I make no guarantee an employer will pay for the cost of the course and hours as every institution has different education reimbursement policies.

I may provide further recommended reading sources for better understanding of certain topics. I’ll do my best to include proper links, but I can’t guarantee they’ll work or be available and make no such guarantee. Other people’s websites are always changing, things move.  

A lot of the course will be spent explaining the “why” and looking at examples. Then I'll cover the how... If achieving financial wellbeing were as simple as "here’s a universal to do list, do this and you’ll get rich soon!" Then I wouldn’t be making this course.  

While you may think "just show me the goods already, give me the to do list and the rationale, what’s the system and the steps, I’ll do it!" "Give it to me in 60 seconds or less!" That’s not how life works unfortunately. No one gets to waltz in off the street, learn to be a nurse in a series of 60 second trainings, and then deliver quality patient care. They might be able to fake it until someone dies and they’re exposed...You have to put in the time and some effort. Eventually, you get to enjoy the benefits from putting in the time, with less ongoing stress and effort. The saying is “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”  

I’ve designed the lesson plan to help you change your perspective, shift your paradigm, and actually achieve financial well-being, in your own way. As nurses, we all have a lot in common. While many things can be universally beneficial, rarely are everyone’s circumstances universal. As a professional nurse, you are more than capable of learning, comprehending, and implementing this information. You already have the skills needed!

The course content is intended to be taken on demand over a period of four weeks. During this time it's intended you use the worksheets and templates with your actual personal finances. This way you create your own plan to get on the path and achieve financial well-being once and for all. And many nurses will be eligible for expense reimbursement and get PAID to do it!


This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

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